Interview with Emiliya Nedeva - 1911

Episode 11 August 23, 2019 00:11:54
Interview with Emiliya Nedeva - 1911
Healthy Living Around the World
Interview with Emiliya Nedeva - 1911

Aug 23 2019 | 00:11:54


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Join Kaysie at Centre For Health in Bulgaria as she catches up with Emiliya from Bulgaria.

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKER A Hello. I'm Kaysie Butler, and I want to welcome you to healthy living around the world. I am on site at Centre for Health in Bulgaria, and today my guest is Emiliya Nedeva. Welcome Amelia, to the program. SPEAKER B Thank you so much, Kaysie. SPEAKER A Now Emiliya, you are worker here at center for Health. Can you share with us a little bit about how you came to work here before? SPEAKER B Five years ago I came as a student in this place and there was a training for medical missionaries and I spent six months here. We were trained how to do massages, hydrotherapy, how to organize health clubs and cooking classes. And after that I went to the university and I traveled a lot. But recently they called me that they need staff here. And I said, okay, I'm free and I can come and I can help. And I'm happy that I can serve in my country. SPEAKER A Yeah. Okay. So you're from Bulgaria? SPEAKER B Yes, I'm from Bulgaria. SPEAKER A That's good. It's always nice to have opportunities in your own country where you can do mission service in helping people. Okay, so how long have you been here now in this stint? SPEAKER B Three months. SPEAKER A Three months, okay. And what are the kind of things you were doing? SPEAKER B I have been working in therapy okay. As a physical therapist, usually we have some baths, sauna that we have to prepare for the patients, massages that we do that we give also juices, teas. SPEAKER A Okay. So bit of a variety of things for the health guests. SPEAKER B Gymnastics in the morning. SPEAKER A Oh, afternoon. Wow. Getting stretching and getting active. SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER A That's good. Wokes. Obviously it would seem natural for someone working in a lifestyle center to also be living a healthy lifestyle or at least having some healthy lifestyle principles in place in their life. How did you come to appreciate healthy Living for yourself? SPEAKER B From small when I was in the high school, I didn't know so much as I know now about the health principles, but I used to take to school every day an apple in a bottle of water. SPEAKER A Okay. Yes. SPEAKER B So I was doing the things that later I learned that they're very important for our health without knowing it was just naturally. And also when we had some breaks, I would open the window of the classroom so that fresh air can enter. SPEAKER A Yes. Okay, and you just naturally wanted to do that. Right. So you've got your water there, your fresh air and your healthy food coming through there with the apple. That's good. So even from a young age you've. SPEAKER B Had and I was doing some sport activity. SPEAKER A Okay, very good. So what then would be one of your favorite healthy Living principles? SPEAKER B I always have my butter with me. SPEAKER A Okay. SPEAKER B So I love drinking a lot of water. I cannot live without water. SPEAKER A Okay. Yes. SPEAKER B I can live without food, but not without water. I love also to exercise and to travel. It's part of the exercise. SPEAKER A Yes. Okay, so what kind of exercise in particular do you enjoy? SPEAKER B Yeah, stretching, morning exercise, just to give you this inspiration to start your day. SPEAKER A Very good. And obviously you like helping others do that here in your work because you're involved in the gymnastics, you're doing all the different things. That's excellent. Now, another question for you. How has living a healthy lifestyle had an impact on your spiritual life or your walk with God? Have you noticed anything over the years? SPEAKER B Well, for example, if I go to bed early, I can get up earlier and have more personal time with God. So this is something that I'm trying still to improve. Yes, to go to bed on time. SPEAKER A So is going to bed early a health principle? Like what health benefits would there be for going to bed early? SPEAKER B Yes, it's a health principle, and this health principle is one of the best. If you follow, you feel like an angel after that. SPEAKER A Oh, really? You wake up feeling that good. It's always good to wake up feeling that fresh. And you're saying that if you do that, your time with God is yes. SPEAKER B Your spiritual life is going perfectly and you have time to organize your thoughts for the day. SPEAKER A Okay. SPEAKER B And to see the plan for the day. Another thing that helps me to improve my spiritual life connected with the health principles is that when I decide to fast and I notice that when I fast, my brain is much more focused on more important things in life. And that helps me to take better decisions and not just better decisions, but the right decisions. Yes. SPEAKER A Okay. SPEAKER B In the right time. SPEAKER A So what do you do normally when you fast? SPEAKER B Usually when I fast, I don't work so much so that this time can be concentrated on the decision that I have to take. And I will drink water, maybe, or tea or even some fruits sometimes I will not eat nothing. Okay. Even though you have not water. SPEAKER A All right. Sometimes you do completely? SPEAKER B It depends how important is the thing that I'm yes. SPEAKER A So you do this fairly often when you have to make an important decision? SPEAKER B Not very often, but when this time comes, you just cannot go without fasting because it's something that bothers you. SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER B If you care, you will fast. If you don't care, you will just go with it. SPEAKER A Okay, right. Interesting. So that action of fasting has a big impact on your mental powers to be able to think clearly and make a decision. SPEAKER B That's true. SPEAKER A How about then, if you were going to talk to someone, I mean, you meet lots of people in the lifestyle center here who are succumbed to change their lifestyle or make improvements. What would you say to someone who's wanting to make changes in their lifestyle, who's thinking about that and what they need to do? What would you say to them as some advice for them going forward that you've sort of learned in your experience. SPEAKER B I will advise them that it's not only to follow these health principles like just follow sunshine and water and healthy food, exercise and all this stuff, but also to realize that all these principles, they are coming from a source. From one source, they can realize that this source is God. And if God sometimes he don't decide to heal them with natural remedies, let's say it's God. That is not deciding. It's not that the natural remedies are not working, for example. So what I want to say is that trusting in God, it's also another health principle. SPEAKER A I see. Yes. SPEAKER B And many times we forget this principle. Even Christians, they have so many worries and problems and are so stressed from the work they have. They just work, work, work. And it's so sad. They forget about that. They have their Heavenly Father, and he would take care of every detail, every little problem in their lives. So my advice is to be brave and to give all your worries to God and to have even a little bit faith. Yes, but to be there this phase. Yes. Because it will grow with the time, like a little seed. SPEAKER A Very good. Okay. I think that's very encouraging for people to know that there's a Heavenly Father who cares about them, even, as you say, even when things don't go so well, the knowledge that God in heaven. SPEAKER B Especially nowadays, because we are living in very dangerous time, everything is falling apart around us, cris everywhere. Yes. SPEAKER A When there's someone to hold on to that can help us through. Hey, true. Thank you for sharing that. I think that's quite a significant insight to share in connection with health and making changes. That is important for people. SPEAKER B That's my experience. SPEAKER A Okay. Yes. You've had that. SPEAKER B That's what I observed. And it's also advice for myself. SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER B Sometimes I work so much and I also don't have this personal time, and it's not good. It's like you're losing the purpose, the aim of everything, the sense of your life, and you become like a robot. SPEAKER A Okay, well, thank you so much for sharing your experience. Thank you for your insights. I'm sure our listeners have enjoyed hearing your perspectives. Our guest today has been Emiliya Nedeva. She is Bulgarian and she's working here in Bulgarian in the center for Health lifestyle centre here. And we've been recording on site. The this is healthy living around the world. And I'm your host, Kaysie Butler. Until next time. God bless you richly.

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